Graham Fraser Memorial Lecture

An annual Memorial Lecture was established in 1994 by the Graham Fraser Foundation in commemoration of the work of Graham Fraser and incorporated from 1996 into the programme of the Section of Otology of the Royal Society of Medicine, England. Since 2015 the lectures have been hosted by the British Cochlear Implant Group within their annual conference to facilitate attendance by cochlear implant professionals nationwide.
The Lectureship is open to any person who, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, is qualified to contribute to the advancement of the science and practice of otology, particularly with respect to the understanding, management and alleviation of profound deafness. The Lecturer is chosen following nominations by the BCIG membership.
A list of all previous memorial lectures can be found here

Professor Catherine Birman with Helen Cullington (BCIG Chair) and Patricia Fraser
at the 2022 Memorial Lecture, BCIG Annual Conference, Cardiff
2024 Graham Fraser Travel Grants
The Trustees of the Graham Fraser Foundation invite applications from non-medical BCIG members for a travel grant for attendance at a national or international conference, short course or observership in another cochlear implant unit. Applicants should submit by email details of the proposed venture, level of support requested and curriculum vitae to:
The Graham Fraser Foundation
c/o Mr Philip Robinson
Closing date for applications: 30 September 2025
Graham Fraser Memorial Fellowship
A Memorial Fellowship was established in 1997 by the Graham Fraser Foundation to promote research to further the understanding, management and alleviation of profound deafness.
Every year since 2014 MED-EL UK has provided funding for the Graham Fraser Memorial Fellowship to enable an ENT Specialty Registrar to undertake a six-month period of further training with Professor Catherine Birman in NextSense Cochlear Implant Program in Sydney. Many Fellows have returned to become Consultant CI Surgeons in major centres in the UK using the experience acquired during their Fellowship for the benefit of patients.
MED-EL's funding makes an invaluable contribution to the training of potential CI surgeons for the UK.
The Fellowships are advertised annually in the September/October issue of ENT & audiology news and publicised by ENT UK . Specialty Registrars on a recognised UK or Republic of Ireland training programme are eligible to apply.